Repeater Information
Hutchinson Repeater
The Hutchinson repeater is located in Hutchinson Minnesota on a frequency of 147.375 MHz with a +600 Hz shift. PL tone on the repeater is 146.2 Hz. Machine is operating at a reduced power while we troubleshoot interference issues.Darwin Repeater
The club has a second repeater in the town of Darwin Minnesota to better cover the Meeker County area. The repeater is on a frequency of 146.685 MHz with a -600 Hz shift. The Darwin repeater has a PL tone of 146.2 Hz (the same as the Hutchinson repeater).Silver Lake Repeater
Our newest repeater is located in Silver Lake. It's at 443.400 Mhz with a +5 Mhz shift and a tone of 146.2. It is linked full time to other repeaters in southern Minnesota and operates in analog/P25 mixed mode.